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  • Massage and Energy Healing For Children

    When we think of stress and anxiety, we seem to narrow the focus on it being an adult thing. Infants and children are just as prone to stress and anxiety as adults, however, the expression of that...

    • Posted 4 years ago
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  • Meditation, Mindfulness and Yoga for Kids

    Educators and parents alike are taking notice of the stress that surrounds our children on a daily basis. The stressors and demands of modern American society leaves students at a disadvantage that can only be remedied by...

    • Posted 7 years ago
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  • Do Kids Really Get Acupuncture?

    Parents look at me with shock and surprise when I say that I treat kids with acupuncture. Many parents wonder how kids sit still and whether they are afraid of needles, but using acupuncture techniques with children...

    • Posted 7 years ago
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  • The #1 Skill to Teach Your Anxious Child

    When the bag of microwave popcorn burned at my daughter’s school and the fire alarms went off her anxiety about fires began. It’s a loud noise and they’d never held a fire drill before, so she didn’t...

    • Posted 8 years ago
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  • Integrative Medicine and Pediatric Mental Health

    Anxiety and Depression:  Lifestyle Basics Anxiety and depression account for the vast majority of cases of mental/emotional illness in our society, affecting people of all ages and, increasingly, children. Over 1 out of 5 children between the...

    • Posted 9 years ago
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  • Hypnosis with Children

    Let’s think of “children” being between four and twelve years old (the age range I have worked with in hypnosis). Younger children are believed to be unable to benefit from hypnosis, while teenagers usually respond well to...

    • Posted 9 years ago
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  • Why Is My Kid Getting Sick All Of The Time?

    If you’ve ever been a parent or a caregiver for a young child, you probably experienced a good amount of hand wringing and sleep deprivation when that child got sick. Thankfully, children tend to recover from acute...

    • Posted 10 years ago
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  • Sweeter Dreams: 10 Steps to Safe Slumber for Kids

    While children are awake, parents are vigilant about keeping them safe, from holding hands while crossing the street to applying (and reapplying!) sunscreen. But it’s just as important to keep kids safe while they slumber—after all, children...

    • Posted 10 years ago
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