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  • The Un-Diet Diet: Stop Counting Calories

    Most likely in your journey of staying healthy and fit you count, or have counted, calories. Whether in the pursuit of some number on the scale or an improvement in health markers, counting calories seems like a...

    • Posted 5 years ago
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  • How I Lost the Weight and Kept It Off

    I first met Jeff in 2011 when I first started my own weight loss journey. He became an inspiration, a support, and a close friend. When the opportunity came up to contribute to this January issue dedicated...

    • Posted 5 years ago
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  • The Power of Renewal

    What I love about the body is that it is always working. Working to digest our meals, use up glucose, burn body fat, and heal wounds. It’s a wonder and a mystery. Imagine a cut on the...

    • Posted 6 years ago
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  • Learn to See “What If” as a Tool

    Raise your hand if you’ve ever set a New Year’s resolution. Raise your hand if you haven’t kept it. *All hands raise* You’re in good company. New Year’s or not, almost everyone has set a goal or...

    • Posted 6 years ago
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  • Move Your Body, Calm Your Mind

    “I REALLY REGRET WORKING OUT TODAY.” – NO ONE.   There is a collective thread of life experience that stitches us together – as a species. Things we all experience – regardless of what divides us. Most...

    • Posted 6 years ago
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  • Mindfulness for Permanent Weight Loss

    Since my article in the last issue of ELMTM Maine, I have been asked by several of you how to incorporate mindfulness to lose weight. The simple answer is to be present when you are consuming food....

    • Posted 7 years ago
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  • Can you Lose Weight with Keto?

    “Keto” or the Ketogenic Diet is #trending. More than half of the bestsellers in the diet book category are pro-Keto for its benefits with weight loss, brain health and even cancer prevention. Keto has become mainstream. So,...

    • Posted 7 years ago
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  • My Mindful Weight Loss Journey

    Five years and 100 pounds later…how can that be? That’s what ran through my brain when I was approached about writing this article. It was January 2012, and I had just spent a very long weekend of...

    • Posted 7 years ago
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  • The Holidays are Here!

    Family time, shopping trips, and fun! But what also comes with this time of year is lots of sugar, salt and fat! It’s all good, as long as you have a plan to keep consistent with healthy...

    • Posted 7 years ago
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  • Outdoor Adventure Abounds in Northern Maine

    The first time I enjoyed the tranquility of northern Maine was in the summer of 1954, in the womb. My mother, unexpected to her at the age of forty-four, was to bear a child in January. That...

    • Posted 7 years ago
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  • Why Weight?

    There are as many specific reasons for being overweight as there are people, since each person is an individual and has his/her own tapestry of experiences, messages and influences that affect eating habits. Overeating usually fills a...

    • Posted 8 years ago
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  • How to Thrive During the Holidays

    Do you have mixed feelings about the impending holiday season? Many of our clients seem more stressed than excited. The holidays can bring up mixed feelings for many. It is exciting yet challenging. You may be doing...

    • Posted 8 years ago
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  • Lose Emotional Weight by the Pound!

    Have you ever had a craving for a certain food? Mmmm, is that rich chocolate cake with butter cream frosting, just calling to you? Have you ever wondered why you crave the cake at all? Why you...

    • Posted 8 years ago
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  • Why YOU Need a Personalized Fitness Program

    It’s always something. My kids/spouse/pets/fill-in-the-blank all need so much from me every day. My job is demanding. I don’t get paid nearly enough for the work I do. Bills are due. I can’t make ends meet. The...

    • Posted 8 years ago
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