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  • Acupuncture for Anxiety in Children

    Much of the literature devoted to the benefits of using acupuncture to address symptoms associated with anxiety and mental health conditions focuses on the adult population. There is evidence showing that acupuncture can help ease discomfort in...

    • Posted 4 years ago
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  • The Art of Stress Mastery

    Stress is a fact of life and the human stress response is part of the biological makeup of all people regardless of age, sex, race, class, or culture. What we call the “stress response” is simply a...

    • Posted 5 years ago
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  • Awareness: A Gift and a Curse

    “The ultimate value of life depends upon awareness and the power of contemplation rather than upon mere survival. ~ Aristotle”   Are You Awake? It is morning; the alarm goes off, you roll out of bed and...

    • Posted 5 years ago
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  • The Warning Signs of Stress

    Chronic stress disrupts nearly every system in your body. It can suppress your immune system, upset your digestive and reproductive systems, increase the risk of heart attack and stroke, and speed up the aging process. According to...

    • Posted 5 years ago
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  • Finding Your Way Out of Overwhelm

    Work, family, school, life changes, heartbreak, breakneck news cycles. All of these external influences can definitely make someone feel overwhelmed. But what if I told you that making some internal adjustments, could help someone find a way...

    • Posted 5 years ago
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  • Move Your Body, Calm Your Mind

    “I REALLY REGRET WORKING OUT TODAY.” – NO ONE.   There is a collective thread of life experience that stitches us together – as a species. Things we all experience – regardless of what divides us. Most...

    • Posted 6 years ago
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  • Give Stress a Rest

    Stress can become such a part of daily life, that most of us don’t even realize how much it is affecting us. Stress is the underlying mechanism of almost all disease. Constant stress causes blood flow to...

    • Posted 6 years ago
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  • The Link Between Stress, Microbiota Dysbiosis and Irritable Bowel Syndrome: Part Three

    Despite its astonishing prevalence in the United States and developed countries, a singular defined cause of Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) has yet to be identified. However, Part One of this article series did uncover six possible contributing...

    • Posted 6 years ago
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  • De-Stress Your Mind, Body & Spirit

    In order to understand the experience of stress, we need to consider what type of beings we are. We are water beings. Many people have heard the statistic that our physical bodies are between 65-75% water, but...

    • Posted 6 years ago
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  • The Link Between Stress and IBS, Part 2

    For anyone who suffers with Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), the road to improved gut health may feel impossible or, at the very least, a long and arduous journey. IBS is a very complicated disorder that involves many...

    • Posted 6 years ago
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  • The Link Between Stress and IBS, Part 1

    For any person who has suffered prolonged or severe digestive complaints, with or without a diagnosis of Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), understanding how to get back to wellness can feel confusing and daunting. But in your journey...

    • Posted 6 years ago
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  • Stress: What’s the Cost?

    Stress is taken for granted these days as “part of life.” And while there is such a thing as “healthy” stress that helps us grow, most of our stress is chronic, damaging, and unhealthy. It could be...

    • Posted 7 years ago
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  • Make “Work Mode” Work For You

    Summertime is ending. Schools are about to reopen. Office hours are about to return to normal. Your supervisors are back from their vacation exoduses. Your clients are back with high demands. The time has come to get...

    • Posted 7 years ago
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  • SPA is a verb

    I had always thought of a spa as a place to go to be pampered and relaxed. In my mind, it was something far off in the future that I may visit one day, but never made...

    • Posted 7 years ago
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