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Simple Ways to Lead a Healthier, Anti-Inflammatory Life

September 7, 2016

Simple Ways to Lead a Healthier AntiInflammatory LifeThree trillion dollars are spent in this country on healthcare each year, with over 150 billion dollars being spent on obesity alone. A lot of the illnesses and pain doctors treat are caused by inflammation preceded by lack of sleep, diet and stress in our everyday lives. These are known as lifestyle diseases and some examples are cancer, diabetes and heart disease just to name a few. Reducing inflammation can help shorten the duration of many of these conditions and in some cases alter the severity or eliminate them altogether.

When I think of optimal health and general overall wellness the first thing that comes to mind is inflammation and how to reduce it. As an Integrative Holistic Health Coach I have seen over and over again that at the core of many lifestyle conditions is inflammation. I have had several clients come to me with different chronic and acute conditions such as Cancer, MS, Diabetes and chronic pain. I have also seen the positive results that come from eating anti-inflammatory foods, reducing inflammation and using mind body practices. One client was able to lose 60 pounds and reduce the number of medications they were taking for Diabetes from 7 to 1 while working with me and his doctor and by changing his diet and daily practices. Reducing inflammation can significantly contribute to general well being and help a person feel better, sometimes within weeks.

How do you reduce inflammation in your body? Many people do not realize what a huge difference a few small changes can make.


The number one thing I suggest to people is to sleep more. It really is the best drug sometimes. Sleeping more can reduce stress, cortisol, chronic and acute pain as well as give you the strength to deal with the simplest things in life with more calm and patience. It can also improve daily job and task performance, weight loss and can even help you get along with your family, friends and co workers with much more ease. Proper sleep can reduce the likelihood that you will develop many lifestyle diseases such as diabetes, cancer and heart disease. So when you have a day where it seems difficult to focus and you aren’t feeling energetic ask yourself if you slept enough and, if possible, take a 20 minute nap. It is so simple yet many people do not even realize how sleep deprived they really are.


An anti-inflammatory diet really is at the center of an anti-inflammatory life. Since inflammation can be at the core cause of everything from acne and arthritis, to diabetes and depression, gum disease, and even mental illness, it pays to give this some real attention. One easy way is to try more green foods. Cruciferous vegetables add fiber and necessary antioxidants that restore healthy cells. If you have a hard time eating enough greens try a green smoothie and drink the greens. If you like thinner liquids just add some water.

I call it “if it’s.” If it’s in the fridge I make a smoothie from it. Today consisted of Swiss chard, red beets, apple, blueberries, raw ginger, lemon, almonds, celery and grapefruit. Tomorrow may be kale, apple, banana, spinach, lemon, cucumber and ginger. Swiss chard is just one example of a food that packs in the antioxidants and protects your brain against free radical damage. Celery can help improve your blood pressure, lower inflammation and fight bacterial infections. If you love Cherries, add unsweetened ones. They fight plaque on your teeth and help prevent cavities. If you are Diabetic, and even if you are not, try adding some cinnamon. This can really help your blood sugar. Ginger, Turmeric and Basil are all other wonderful anti-inflammatory herbs. If you have arthritis, try turmeric. This might reduce your pain enough so you can give up your pain medicine.


Yes, as much as we all love it, sugar is a huge cause of inflammation. White flour, pasta, bread, rice and other “white” foods in general wreak havoc with your blood sugar. Sugar wrecks your immune system and leaves your body open to a multitude of conditions which you should really live without. Stick to whole grains, if grains are a part of your diet, and go for the ones with more fiber. The fiber slows down the absorption and helps keep your blood sugar more on an even keel. Eat high protein snacks, such as nuts, to keep the blood sugar on an even level as well. When you eat foods richer in nutrients you will diminish your sugar cravings substantially. What to do if you’ve eaten the right foods and still have cravings? Drink more water! Unbeknownst to many people, dehydration is a huge cause of sugar cravings. So the next time you want something sweet try a glass of water first then wait ten minutes. The results may surprise you.

If you want to make treats part of your day, choose treats with potential health benefits. My personal sweet treat of choice is licorice and I’m not talking about the kind you buy in the grocery store, but the European kind with much less sugar and a little salt. I allow myself licorice once a week not on a regular basis. Having a little of what you fancy is ok so limit the treats and give yourself what you love! Just a little bit about the health benefits of licorice. Licorice in moderation can help with Addison’s disease, arthritis, athlete’s foot, baldness, bronchitis, bursitis, canker sores, congestion, chronic fatigue syndrome, colds, intestinal infections, conjunctivitis, constipation, coughs, dandruff, duodenal ulcers and intestinal infections. Many people in Europe use licorice as medicine and on a recent trip to the Netherlands while suffering from a cold I discovered just how powerful it is. Cold medicines were offered but in this case were not needed. I cured my cold in one day by dissolving eucalyptus licorice in boiling water and drinking a few cups. It is a nice option and readily accessible since different varieties can be ordered online. So skip the cookies and cakes and opt for fruit and nuts and make the sweets the smallest part of your diet. Maybe you’ll even try some European licorice!


  • Be good to yourself. We are all busy and at the same time most of us can find 10 minutes, sometimes more, to check out.
  • Have a cup of green tea; the antioxidants and catechins are amazing at reducing inflammation. When you brew the tea make sure it is green and not brown. If it is brown it is too strong and most likely bitter. It is important to brew it correctly and follow the instructions on the package.
  • If you are fatigued at night and can’t sleep trying putting your legs straight together up on a wall. Done for 5 minutes or 20, whatever you like, this yoga position of relaxation can create the neurotransmitter GABA manufactured by your brain. This can relax you and relieve stress helping you sleep better and more soundly.
  • Breathe. To calm yourself down, count your out breath. Try this for five minutes and you may be asleep. The body has the capacity to heal itself with simple tools we carry with us, like our breath.

So in essence, get proper rest, eat good whole foods and take care of yourself so it can take care of you and you’ll find yourself leading a healthier, anti-inflammatory life.

Alison Metsker AADP, IHC is a Certified Integrative Holistic Health Coach and Nutrition Teacher. She is also a trained French chef and has been studying nutrition for over 20 years. For more information contact her at 207-749-2905 or