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  • Anti-Viral Nasal Spray May Prevent COVID-19 Infection

    We wear masks to protect others from our exhaled droplets. These droplets may contain virus. It is a considerate gesture and quite helpful. But when the moisture of the droplet evaporates (relatively soon after being exhaled) the...

    • Posted 4 years ago
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  • The Unexpected Benefits of Acupuncture

    When inquiring about acupuncture, there are three main questions that patients ask, “Can it help?”, “Will it hurt?”, and “How does it work?” The answer to the second question, “Will it hurt?” is you may feel a...

    • Posted 4 years ago
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  • Respiratory Infections Can Be Treated Naturally

    According to the NIH, lower respiratory infections are a greater burden of disease worldwide than HIV, malaria, cancer and heart attacks. People who suffer from COPD, cystic fibrosis or asthma are especially prone. Treatment can be especially...

    • Posted 4 years ago
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  • A Personal Journey to Boost My Immunity with Nariveda Supplements

    A few months ago, I had the pleasure of speaking with Nirmal Yogi and learning about Nariveda’s Ayurvedic Supplements. Nirmal and his son, Adrian, teamed up together to create their carefully researched and formulated supplements that help...

    • Posted 4 years ago
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  • Moxibustion Relieves Pain, Reduces Inflammation & Supports the Immune System

    Mugwort and Wormwood; their names conjure up images of twisted trees, damp forest floors, and perhaps a boarding school for wizard-kids. It is not uncommon for a patient to make the obvious reference to a certain book...

    • Posted 4 years ago
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  • Plant Allies for Winter Wellness

    Did you know there is a plant medicine to support any ailment you can think of? The natural world around us has much healing to offer if we just open our minds and hearts and listen. As...

    • Posted 6 years ago
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  • Mindful Writing for Healing

    There is a growing body of evidence that mindfulness benefits us in many ways. The assertions from these studies suggest that mindfulness boosts the immune system, increases positive emotions and helps us handle stress more effectively (Kashdan...

    • Posted 6 years ago
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  • Late Summer – Coming Home to Our Center

    Summer is lush and abundant just before it ends. Chinese Medicine has Five Seasons, and considers late summer a season of its own, distinctly different, sandwiched between summer and fall, from mid-August to early October.  And it...

    • Posted 9 years ago
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  • Gut Dysbiosis…Don’t Let the “Bad Guys” Get You

    Throughout our lives we have many different relationships; some are good and can foster growth, connection and balance, some are bad and can cause us stress, harsh feelings and imbalance, some we can choose like our friends...

    • Posted 9 years ago
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  • Why Is My Kid Getting Sick All Of The Time?

    If you’ve ever been a parent or a caregiver for a young child, you probably experienced a good amount of hand wringing and sleep deprivation when that child got sick. Thankfully, children tend to recover from acute...

    • Posted 10 years ago
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