The Unexpected Benefits of Acupuncture
When inquiring about acupuncture, there are three main questions that patients ask, “Can it help?”, “Will it hurt?”, and “How does it work?” The answer to the second question, “Will it hurt?” is you may feel a...
- Posted 5 years ago
Is it Normal to Feel Sore After a Massage?
Generally, people who seek out alternative healing methods such as massage and body-work, expect to feel better, not worse, after receiving treatment. Most intend on feeling highly energized and rejuvenated following a massage. However, typically this is...
- Posted 5 years ago
Medicinal Use of CBD: Does it Cure Everything?
The CBD market has exploded in recent years. CBD is being marketed as a cure for everything under the sun. Local gas stations, salons, veterinary offices, and natural food markets now carry CBD products. What are the...
- Posted 5 years ago
Moxibustion Relieves Pain, Reduces Inflammation & Supports the Immune System
Mugwort and Wormwood; their names conjure up images of twisted trees, damp forest floors, and perhaps a boarding school for wizard-kids. It is not uncommon for a patient to make the obvious reference to a certain book...
- Posted 5 years ago
No Medical Explanation for Your Pain?
Psychogenic Pain Disorder (PPD) refers to a person experiencing pain with no medical explanations for the pain. It has other names such as “Pain somatization disorder.” These terms essentially mean, “we can’t find a reason for the...
- Posted 5 years ago
Treating Pain Naturally
Pain is cited as the most common reason Americans access the health care system and is a leading cause of disability. The National Center for Health Statistics estimates approximately 76.2 million Americans have suffered from pain that...
- Posted 5 years ago
Structural Relief Therapy: A Better Way to Relieve Pain
It can get exhausting searching for the most effective manual massage treatment to help alleviate chronic pain and discomfort. People will see many different therapists in hopes of finding some kind of relief following a session. Some...
- Posted 6 years ago
Finding Freedom from Pain
The CDC reported that 50 million Americans suffer from chronic pain (meaning on most or all of the days in the past six months). Add to that the amount of people that suffer from episodic pain or...
- Posted 6 years ago
Struggling with Emotional Distress? Try CBD
We live in an over-stimulated, fast paced world with constant news flashed at us of despair, violence, and catastrophe. Hopelessness. Anxiety. Depression. Stress. Anger. FEAR. These are all very appropriate emotions when you think about the challenging...
- Posted 6 years ago
What is CBD?
CBD which stands for cannabinol is one of 113 different cannabinoids that can be found in the cannabis plant. The two highest and most studied cannabinoids are tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and cannabinol (CBD). THC is well-known for its...
- Posted 7 years ago
Holiday Tips for Healthy Legs
The holiday season can be really tough on legs. Standing in long lines, flying on planes, and even sitting in mall traffic, can wreak havoc on your circulatory system. How so? Healthy veins have valves, which open...
- Posted 10 years ago
Muscle Or Joint Pain? Which One Is It?
I typically hear this same question weekly, if not daily, “Is my pain coming from the muscle or joint?” I usually answer, “Probably a little of both.” This always seems to put a perplexing look on most...
- Posted 10 years ago
Suffering from Sciatica?
Let’s begin by defining fascia. Covering all the muscles and internal organs of our body as well as between our bones is a very thin layer of connective tissue known as fascia. It is one complete interconnected...
- Posted 11 years ago
Finding The Origin Of Your Pain
In today’s on the go, fast paced lifestyle, inevitably, we will become injured or experience sore or stiff muscles. As winter is slowly exiting Maine, we might have fallen on the ice, possibly fell skiing, shoveled a...
- Posted 11 years ago
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- The Unexpected Benefits of AcupuncturePosted 5 years ago
- Is it Normal to Feel Sore After a Massage?Posted 5 years ago